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Learn more about Dream Decoding Drawing –
and how to get in touch.
“Bringing back the Culture of Dreaming
to Western society.”

Florian Divi
Facilitator of Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep
Florian Divi is a mindfulness of dream and sleep facilitator with an academic background in visual arts. Born in Austria he studied oil painting at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and Traditional Japanese Painting at Tokyo University of the Arts in Japan. He has been training Tai chi and other movement practices over two decades and involves himself deeply into the art of Dream Yoga. If he is not traveling to remote corners of this planet you will most probably find him teaching in Vienna or in Prague. Through the insightful world of conscious dreaming, he will guide you on decoding your inner world.

What Lucid Dreaming Teacher
Charlie Morley says

Charlie Morley
Author and Teacher of Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep, UK
“Florian has assisted me at workshops and completed over 100 hours training under my guidance. I consider him to be a trustworthy and authentic practitioner of dream work as well as an innovative teacher and facilitator too. I have personally experienced his DDD method and seen that it really works!”
Below you will discover Florian’s journey into the world of dreaming and his inspiration and motivation behind his method known as “Dream Decoding Drawing”. He hopes that the content and information provided will inspire you to connect with your inner dreamer. His sincere wish is that, through your dream practice, you will bring back beautiful creative insights from the world of dreaming. May this journey be of great personal benefit, and to the benefit of all of us.
Dream Decoding Drawing
Combining his expertise and interests in the fields of art, dream yoga, Eastern & Western philosophy as well as working with the gross and subtle body, the method of “Dream Decoding Drawing (DDD)“ was developed.
Previously unsatisfied by his own dream practice, Florian started by writing down his dreams in a linear, word by word, fashion. He also discovered the instant insights generated by recording the dream into a visual format too. Seeing all the information at once in a single glance, gave him the opportunity to realise coherences previously hidden in his mind.
Additionally, informed by Eastern & Western philosophy, he applied the idea of “transcend and include” to his method and observed closely and carefully the shift of perspective created in gross and subtle body.
Leading by his own example, Florian wants to show how we can initiate, connect and cultivate an intimate and creative dialogue with our very own subconsciousness.
To get a taste of his dream yoga practice and current art project, please see his ongoing project “Reality Checks”, which you can follow on Instagram. For more artistic work made by Florian, please visit www.divi.at
Nightmares & Sleep Walking
Early on in his childhood years, when nightmares and sleep walking was an almost daily given to Florian, his interest in the dreaming mind began to unfold. Waking up feeling exhausted after an intense disturbing dream, he was faced with strong emotions lasting long over into his day ahead, unable to shake of the sensations from the night. Filled with wonder and curiosity, he decided to explore this extraordinary, but to him, often challenging state of the dreaming mind.
Those days, prior to the advent of the internet, after years of search in numerous libraries and bookstores, he was fortunate enough to cross path with the literature of Tibetan dream yoga. There, to his great surprise, was written in great detail and depth about the dream state – giving clear instructions how to work with the mind while fallen asleep.
Vienna | Austria
Fascinated by our visual perception and now on a quest to “see behind reality”, or to frame it differently, to see what is hidden to the ordinary mind of consciousness, he pursued his studies of art and perception at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria, under the guidance of Christian Ludwig ATTERSEE specializing in fine art/oil painting. Those years gave him the freedom to look within and explore further his inner landscapes.
During this time of academic studies Florian travelled extensively to experience different mindsets in the world, first hand. He wanted to understand how they are created, not only by different family backgrounds and upbringings, but how mindsets also shift from geography to geography and from culture to culture.
Tokyo | Japan
Following his inner compass, and combining his interest of art, eastern culture and philosophy, he was granted a Monbukagakusho Scholarship in 2006 by the Japanese government allowing him to study Traditional Japanese Painting (jap. Nihonga; 日本画) at Geidai (芸大) Tokyo University of the Arts (jap. 東京藝術大学) under the mentorship of professor SEKI Izuru. Professor SEKI introduced him to a very different approach on how to relate to images within, from an “empty” point of stillness.
Mindfulness & Art of Perception
After two years of research in Tokyo Florian moved back to Austria where became intensively involved in Tai chi, an internal Chinese martial art practice training under Dr. Xiaoqiu LI. One of the core practices was to bring stillness of the mind into continuous movement of the body while keeping attention focused and unbroken.
During that period Florian also started to teach a workshop series called “The Art of Perception”. His teachings revealed how we perceive and project visual reality in almost every single moment. Using mindfulness techniques and carefully guided awareness, he helps his students to become more aware of their own projections, and shows them how to let those projections go.
Prague | Czech Republic
Moving to Prague, he joined a dance performance group led by dancer and choreographer Mirka Papajiková. He now explores the world of contact improvisation, modern dance and acrobatics, learning how to initiate conscious contact through the human body applying previously learned teachings and gained experiences.
Shadow & Tibetan Dream Yoga
Inspired by the possibilities of dream yoga, Florian became more and more interested into the “unseen” and rejected aspects of human life – what we do hide from ourself and others, personally and culturally, what generally is referred to as “the shadow self”, in Jungian terms.
Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep
Meeting mindfulness and lucid dreaming teacher, Charlie Morley from
London, Florian decided to study under Charlie’s guidance and supervision
to deepen his understanding of dream yoga.
So far, Florian has completed the Lucid Dreaming CPD (Continuing Professional Development) facilitator training – the first of its kind worldwide, with over 100 hours training including two immersive retreats, various workshops, classroom training and personal study in lucid dreaming and shadow work.

- Mindfulness of Dreams & Sleep Facilitator Certificate

- Mindfulness of Dreams & Sleep Practitioner Certificate

- Active Dreaming Teacher Level 3 Certificate

- Active Dreaming Teacher Level 2 Certificate

- Active Dreaming Teacher Level 1 Certificate
Florian has obtained lucid dreaming practitioner status (Level 1) and more in depth continuing personal development (CPD) training (Level 2) in “Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep” by Charlie Morley.
Florian also trained under Robert Moss as an Active Dreaming Teacher.
Get in Touch!
To connect with me about speaking requests, workshop offerings, media enquiries, consultation for the arts, theatre, film and screen, collaborations, general questions or anything else you can imagine to be of interest to me, please send me a message below. Thank you!
I would like to thank my dream teacher Charlie Morley for his big heart, his enthusiasm and openness sharing his teachings with me. I’m deeply grateful for his support and friendship.

Florian Divi & Charlie Morley in London, UK