
Sleep First Aid Website

Visit the Sleep-First-Aid website
to learn more about sleep and sleep-related issues.

The Sleep-First-Aid (SFA) project is specifically dedicated to 7 of the most common sleep problems. Its mission is to eliminate the widespread lack of knowledge and resulting helplessness surrounding sleep and sleep problems on a global scale.

The SFA provides simple, effective and proven tools to help people find their own way back to a restful night’s sleep where possible without medical help – all in one place, free of charge and accessible to all.

I would like to thank all those wonderful people who helped with the translation and proofreading of the Sleep-First-Aid mini posters. Without you it would not have been possible. My deepest thanks and gratitude to all of you. 😊 💛 💛 💛

Traumtagebuch Vorlage

Meine Traumlehrerkollegin Maria und ich haben für Euch eine Vorlage für dein Traumtagebuch zusammen gestellt. Diese soll Dir helfen, deiner Traumpraxis eine solide Basis zu geben, damit Du für deine nächtlichen Abenteuer bestens gerüstet bist!

Yoga Nidra Audio – Deutsch

Um den Hypnagogen Zustand Zuhause zu üben, hat meine Traumlehrerkollegin und Yoga Nidra Lehrerin Maria diese geführte Meditation für Dich aufgenommen und uns zur Verfügung gestellt. Big love, Du bist die Beste Maria 💛

Traumerinnerung erhöhen

Sich an Träume zu erinnern ist für viele Menschen gar nicht so einfach. Manche können sich schon seit Jahren nicht mehr an einen einzigen Traum erinnern, obwohl sie es gerne würden. Unter anderem liegt es daran, was wir in unserer Westlichen Kultur die Tradition der Traumpraxis verlernt haben und nicht mehr wissen, was genau zu tun ist. Aus diesem Grund habe ich für Dich die wichtigsten Punkte für eine bessere Traumerinnerung als PDF zusammen gestellt.

Yoga Nidra Audio – Deutsch

Um den Hypnagogen Zustand Zuhause zu üben, hat meine Traumlehrerkollegin und Yoga Nidra Lehrerin Maria diese geführte Meditation für Dich aufgenommen und uns zur Verfügung gestellt. Big love, Du bist die Beste Maria 💛


Those books are well considered reads which helped or inspired me greatly along my way. They focus on two main topics – the world of dreams and the creative mind. If you click on one of those book covers it will forward you directly to Amazon where I as an Amazon associate will earn a small comission from qualifying purchases. This I believe is one way how you can directly support my work if you like. Highly appreciated!

Dreams of Light

"Authentic spirituality is not about feeling good, in any conventional sense. It is about getting real." –Andrew Holecek ("Good by Spiritual Bypassing!" I would add). His new book is a deep dive into the understanding and embodiment of Emptiness through Dream Yoga, this time focusing on daytime practices. If you haven't read his previous book "Dream Yoga" yet, I do recommend to read that one first before you continue with "Dreams of Light". Both books are highly enlightening!

Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming

Clare Johnson was the very first person in the world to obtain a PhD on lucid dreaming. In her book – which basically does represent her PhD thesis – she beautifully lays out in great detail different aspects of a solid dream practice. That being said, the book is intended for experienced dreamers who would like to dive deeper into their nocturnal practice. If that sounds like you I highly recommend it!

The power and importance of Shamanic Rituals in the 21st Century


Ya‘Acov Darling Khan's newest book „Shaman“ beautifully shows how you can bring shamanic principles to a Western mindset encouraging you to take up responsibility for yourself, your people around you, our environment and for future generations yet to be born. A down to earth book filled with practical exercises to help you understand and embody the power and importance of shamanic rituals in the 21st century.

Why We Sleep – Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams | Matthew Walker, PhD

Why We Sleep

This book is full of brilliant, science backed up facts about the importance of sleep – and its brutal consequences when in lack of it! Matthew will explain the different phases of sleep, why you should sleep (more), how and why we dream and how to improve sleep quality in a sleep deprived society. This book will give you official permission to sleep longer.

Dreaming Through Darkness – Transform Your Relationship with Your Shadow Side through Your Dreams | Charlie Morley

Dreaming Through Darkness

This is the book I have gifted the most to other people. Written by Charlie Morley it will equip you with practical exercises to transform shadow aspects of your Inner World. But be aware – this book is not "love and light“ but rather quite the opposite of spiritual bypassing. If you follow through the exercises offered you will be looking deep into the "stuff“ you maybe try to avoid or hide from others like shame, fear, violence, neediness, sexual desires, etc. But if you choose to do so too you will come out a different – more alive, safe and conscious – person than you had been before.

Book Cover Dreaming the Soul Back Home by Robert Moss

Dreaming the Soul Back Home

Dream teacher Robert Moss beautifully shows how the Shamanic practices of "Soul Recovery" and the Western phsychological concepts of "Shadow integration" go hand in hand while having very differnt approaches to accomplish it. This book is a very practical and a joyful read since Robert is also a fantastic storyteller – (as he would say, any good Shaman would need to be!)

Dreams of Awakening – Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep | Charlie Morley

Dreams of Awakening

The nuts and bolts of lucid dreaming in a compact, easy to access written book by Charlie Morley. Full of practices taken from Tibetan Dream Yoga, enriched with facts from Western science as well as Charlie’s personal dream adventures you will find everything you need to start your own lucid dreaming practice.

Lucid Dreaming

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.​

Dreaming Yourself Awake

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.​

Dreams of Awakening – Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep | Charlie Morley

Dreams of Awakening

The nuts and bolts of lucid dreaming in a compact, easy to access written book by Charlie Morley. Full of practices taken from Tibetan Dream Yoga, enriched with facts from Western science as well as Charlie’s personal dream adventures you will find everything you need to start your own lucid dreaming practice.

Meditation in the iGeneration

This book by Andrew Holecek will give you the pillars of meditation and what to look out for when deciding on a meditation practice. Written for a younger audience in mind and stripped of any religious belief systems I especially loved the chapter "What Meditation is Not“, and what it will not fix for you. Andrew clearly points out misconceptions around meditation which, as an example can lead to spiritual bypassing. In the following chapters the right attitude, intention, instructions on the "How to“ as well as different forms of meditation are presented and discussed.

The Art of Learning – An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance | Josh Waitzkin

The Art of Learning

This book beautifully shows how Josh Waitzkin extracted principles he previously had learned from his time as a world famous chess player and how to transfer them into a completely different field of expertise – the field of competitive Tai Chi Push Hands World Championships. Questioning the status quo and working on mindsets are key elements on this very personal journey of Josh. Eye opening.

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain – a course in enhancing creativity and artistic confidence | Betty Edwards

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

The bible of drawing and the very foundation of my own drawing workshops. What I was not taught at art colleague or art university and somehow was expected to grasp intuitively, art teacher Betty Edwards deconstructed the process behind the drawing process and made it accessible in an easy, step by step way to me. And it works, again and again, as my students can proof too.


Dreaming on Purpose

Brilliant TED-Talk by Sheila McNellis Asato about the healing role of creativity when facing challenging life events. Utilizing dreams Sheila Asato beautifully shows how we flow through different states of waking and dreaming, summing up crucial elements of dream incubation and backing it up with scientific facts.

Embracing Nightmares

Are you curious about how to transform your Inner Dragons, Daemons or Monsters in your dreams? Lucid dreaming and Mindfulness of Sleep and Dream teacher Charlie Morley shows you in this fascinating TED-Talk how to embrace your shadow aspects within your dreaming mind. Mind-blowing.

other Goodies

Manta Sleep Mask with adjustable eye cups for 100% darkness

Manta Sleep Mask

I use this highly adjustable sleep mask e.g. in morning when I want to drop back into sleep fast or when I do a meditation during the day and need pitch black darkness. The molded eye cups are adjustable and can be placed in a way so no daylight will come through it. The other feature I enjoy is that the eye cups are hollow so I can blink while wearing the mask and my eye lashes still can move freely without touching it. Try it out.

Manta Sleep Mask with adjustable eye cups for 100% darkness

Manta Sleep Mask

I use this highly adjustable sleep mask e.g. in morning when I want to drop back into sleep fast or when I do a meditation during the day and need pitch black darkness. The molded eye cups are adjustable and can be placed in a way so no daylight will come through it. The other feature I enjoy is that the eye cups are hollow so I can blink while wearing the mask and my eye lashes still can move freely without touching it. Try it out.

In-Depth Training

Charlie Morley

Charlie Morley, Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep Teacher, UK

Buddhist teacher Charlie Morley is such a great inspiration for me and I owe him a lot. Besides him being a brilliant author who spreads lucid dream work to a global audience, he also focuses his work on psychological growth, trauma work and shadow integration through the power of the dreaming mind.

I’m very honoured to assist him on his online retreats and I can only highly recommend to attend any of his wonderful offerings.

Mandira Yoga & Dreams

Maria Spangler, Yoga Nidra Teacher, Tenerife

An excellent lucid dreamer herself I’m proud to call her my teaching partner. Trained in India, Nepal and Guatemala she offers Yoga Nidra and sound healing sessions around the globe. She is fluent in German, English and Spanish and you can meet her on one of our workshops lead together, or reach out for her on her website

The Moon Lab

Leah Larwood, Clinical Hypnotherapist, UK

The Moon Lab fuses together: poetry, hypnotherapy and lucid dreaming, to create an exceptional trinity. I am familiar with Leah’s work and if you would like to be touched by her writing, to be calmed down by her voice or learn from her experience as an avid lucid dreamer, visit The Moon Lab online or her clinic in Norfolk, UK.

Dave Green

Dave Green, Lucid Dreaming Artist, UK

Each night Dave enters a lucid dream, asks for a simple line drawing, memorizes it and then wakes himself up to recreate it in waking reality. Art work brought from another reality – how cool is that?!

If you want to go on an adventure, let him know your creative idea and Dave will travel for you into dreaming reality and bring back your very own personalized dream reality art piece. To get you inspired you will find on his website different suggestions, like a site specific piece, a tattoo from a dream, a dreamworld duet or even a lucid dream portrait. The choice is all yours, have fun!

Katrina Martin

Katrina Martin, UK

If you would like to find out how mindfulness practice weaves deeply into nature connection, or how you can find balance between your internal and external natural environment, then please check out the brilliant work of Katrina. Through outdoor activities in the highlands of Scotland in combination with mindfulness meditation practices she will guide you on an adventurous journey within.

Eline Kieft

Eline Kieft, PhD, Anthropologist and Dance Facilitator, Shamanic Work, France

Originally from the Netherlands and now relocated to France, Eline combines movement practices, her academic background in anthropology and her experiences as a shamanic practitioner into a wonderful web of creativity and healing. She will help you to re-connect to your self and how to find meaning within. If you are interested in her offerings her new website Clover Trail is the place to start.